Member-only story
You don’t need Friends
7th December 2022
Oh my beautiful God, it’s those depressed bitches demonizing the idea of friends again. No. I am not.
I recognise friends can be amazing, but at small quantity, like 2 to 5. But ONLY at small quantity.
This means that any motherfuckers that you would want to call “friends” when the number goes higher than 5 (or other threshold number you decided on), the original value of the 5 friends would plummet like the Nikkei Index back in 1980s. Sadge.
Every statement has a premise. I will give you mine, and you can disagree with me afterwards.
Most things of value come from scarity. The water-diamond paradox, is not a paradox in my opinion. It is just simple supply and demand. If the demand is way lower for dimaond as opposed to water and still has a way higher price, that just means the supply is way way way way way lower. Diamond’s value can be contributed to splendid marketing, people’s herd mentality, or…… the low ass fucking supply of it.
Like gosh, I should just phone God and tell him to shit some diamond out so povety can be solve in a blind of my eyes. Oh wait, as soon as my God shits those diamond out, the value of dimaond gets shitted on as well. The value of diamond comes from scarity.