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Taoism explained in 90 seconds
11th April 2023
The Way flows like a river, calm and free,
In Taoism, it’s the path to harmony,
Three ideas guide us along the way,
Let’s explore them in this poetic display.
The first is Wu Wei, the art of non-action,
To let things unfold, with no reaction,
To be like water, fluid and still,
This is the path to find true will.
The second idea is Yin and Yang,
The duality that makes everything bang,
Dark and light, good and bad,
Together they create, all that we’ve had.
The third idea is Tao, or virtue,
It’s the embodiment of the Way, so pur’,
Living with integrity, and empathy too,
This is what we should all pursue.
The Tao flows like a river, calm and free,
These ideas guide us along the way, you see,
Wu Wei, Yin and Yang, and Tao,
Let them lead us to a life of harmony.
Think Harder, Havawater💦