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How an 18-year-old made $1500 within 14 days
Don’t worry, the title isn’t clickbait. I did make a little over12000 HKD within 14 days, which is roughly $1500 (post-tax, post-commission). The money was not from those passive income sources like blogs or youtube videos; The money was not from those hard-work-will-soon-pay-off bollocks either. The money was from stock trading. The following is not an article about trading, but the mentality of making money in the modern-day era.
Be impervious to the norms
Do not ever, not one second, succumb to the social norms. “Go to school and get a job!” “Work with a humble heart, and you shall rise to the top.” Cliche do they sound that these ideas are pervasive in my area. My thought about trading was not embraced by my parents, not one bit. Yet, I still chose to stay true to myself, and the next thing I know, I was up $150 in the first 3 days in trading.
Do not listen to what your parents say
Not your friends, not your parents. You listen to no one but yourself. You can be advised by them, but listening to them is just insanity to me. Since family members tend not to be involved with newer ideas, being moved by their opinions is like listening to a musician about literature. I respect my parents and friends, but I respect my heart more. All the Mark…