Brutality is Inevitable

HAVAWATER Philosophy
3 min readJun 23, 2020


I am not saying brutality in specific cases like the police brutalities happening in the US and Hong Kong, but I am saying the brutalities throughout history. This a lesson I have gained from the book Sapiens by Yuval Noah Hurari.

There were seven homo species (THAT ARE CLOSE TO CURRENT HUMANS) in the world in the trackable past, and now……. There is only only one, Homo sapiens. Granted that there is a 1–4% neatherthal’s genome in our blood, but it is still sad to see diversity wiped from existence. Majority of us have yet to hear about them, let alone understand. Likewise to culture, globalisation has brought myriad economic development and political stability (at least overall), but it has also brought cultural invasion to innumerable places.

In the book, Yuval surmises that Homo sapiens are likely to be serial killers in order to be the sole survivors in this cruel world. I can justify this point, but what I can deduce from it is that even amongst Homo sapiens, there are similar natural selections going on. Innumerable “serial killers” are walking in freedom due to ludicrous shared imaginary orders. If it wasn’t for capitalism, there would not be slaves – actual slaves in the past, or slaves in the office in the current. We are the ones being exploited, we are the “neanderthals” being “killed”, but the fraud of peace makes all of us succumb to the “tyrannies” all over the globe.

We made us superior and eventually survive through the brutal slaughtering is the ability to converse, fantasize and lead/follow. Without languages, religions and hierarchies, we would not be able to have the same goal and beliefs and thus unite. Only the strong survive, I agree. Mammoths were killed to extinction when sapiens arrived at Wrangel Island 400 years ago. This does not mean we are cold-blooded, even if that bears a high chance. The thing is that with the more powerful force, we have the rights to utilise for our own wants. There is no law in nature. No one objected slavery when they are not the only getting wiped. Just like the national relationship. One can invade the other if they are weak but with lucrative oil. Only when “laws” and “agreements” are set that will make peace arrive. But who will agree to narrow their benefits if you have no bargaining rights. Rational businessmen would not give a toss about the environment unless people or countries with discourse rights are there to antagonise them.



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